I don't know what I am. This is what I believe and you can label me whatever you want... I believe that just as the fire department is a service paid for with taxes, so should the hospital, Doctors as well as all health care. I believe that police shouldn't be defunded but they should be used to solve crime. Police shouldn't mess with speeding tickets or traffic tickets (those can be handled by automation or by special trained meter maids.) or go on domestic abuse situations - that should be handled by social workers. I believe that all college education should be at an affordable price. Here is where I go out on a limb a bit but I believe that every child from the age of 18 to 25 should have a mandatory year of paid service in one of the armed forces, Army, Navy, Coast Guard, Marines The Spaceforce (if it will still exist) or lastly a new Service called the Peace force that would not fight in any war but would work from a peaceful perspective instead. With my plan, after you have served your duty any college would be paid for. I believe that the environment should come first in every law, rule or judgement - if it costs more to save the planet then so be it. I believe that EVERYONE should pay a 10%-20% flat tax including all businesses and corporations with no Deductions or exemptions And no returns to fill out - the government would simply send you a bill to verify then pay. No more tax preparer's H&R block or the like (they would have to come up with another vocation). I believe that the government should change in a big way as well! No more lobbyists or money payoffs to the house or senate. Stop all that corruption bullshit. Also, I believe that when a new policy or law is created that the only conditions that can be added must apply directly to that law (no more pork-- for example having a bill about gay marriage and have funding for a new bridge on the same proposal). I believe that all elections should use rank choice voting so voting for an unpopular candidate won't be throwing your vote away. I believe that times have changed and that people need to open their eyes, hearts and minds because like it or not there is more of a spectrum of sexuality than just male /female. (there are people in this world that are born both) so some people can't be forced into your little small minded box. Maybe we need to make all restrooms unisex (and this has the bonus of having the woman's line no more crowded than the men's). I believe that all people are on a sexual spectrum and that it isn't a case of you are either a homosexual or heterosexual--everyone is some percentage of each, and so marriage should simply be between consenting adults. I believe that prisons and jails should not be privately owned and treated like a business, because if you follow the dollar you find the incentive to keep people locked up rather than finding rehabilitation solutions. I believe that Black Lives Matter more than all lives matter because all lives assume that we are all on a level playing field and sadly it's not. From wages to jerrymandering to not being able to get a loan based on your neighborhood, or the wealth gap due to a history of slavery. I don't believe in reparations but i believe something must be done to right this injustice from generations ago. My manifesto is getting kind of long and there is so much more that I could add but I will keep it to these points. So, what would you label me - a commie? a Marxist? a Democrat? a weirdo? or maybe a magical prophet. To tell you the truth, I would love to be the Doug Forcett (see "The Good Place") of knowing the future political and social America -- a Nirvana or paradise that we could all enjoy.